Isleworth and Hounslow Charity Ltd is a registered charity with The Charity Commission of England and Wales (Charity Number: 1112467). It is also a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with Companies House (Company Number: 5577965).
The Charity is registered with the Homes & Communities Agency (Number 4675) and the Housing Ombudsman Service.
The Charity is also a member of The Almshouse Association (Number 524)
The Charity is governed by a Scheme dated 1994 which brought together a number of small charities, endowments and bequests from local benefactors.
Funding our work
Isleworth and Hounslow Charity Ltd is funded by investments which arose from the many bequeaths and endowments made to the Charity over the last 350 years.
Legacies and Donations
Legacies and donations of all sizes play an invaluable role in our work, helping us to expand and renovate our accommodation in Isleworth and Hounslow and thus to help more people in need. Any gift, large or small, is extremely welcome. Leaving a gift in your will really does make a difference.
For more information on how to go about making a donation, writing a will, or about how to incorporate your wish to leave a legacy to the Charity in your will, please contact the Charity office.